quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

World Trade centre Building number 7

As we are all aware, the tragic events of 9/11 were perpetrated by some of the most ruthless terrorists in the world. It's no joke that the astonishing attention to detail was excited by some of the most blood thirsty conniving and plotting brains that have walked the face of this good Earth. People with power and influence pulled off  a homeland attack on the most advanced country economically and militarily in the world. This mighty brute was taken hostage at home and made to look defenceless and weak. The mighty NORAD or North American Air Defence Command could not even rescue the situation on the day but they had flown all but two F16 fighter jets to Canada to take part in a drill that exercised a fake terrorist plot on the United States so it was hard for them to really have an impact on the days events.

Whatever you believe about 9/11, whether it was perpetrated by a hand full of men with Box cutters 7 of whom are reported alive and well or if the answer to this question is slightly more convoluted and complex, there is one anomaly that stands out clear has a bell! The third tower that collapsed on 9/11 was Building 7

Built in 1985, it was formerly the headquarters of the junk-bond firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, which contributed to the Savings and Loans collapse, prompting the $500-billion taxpayer-underwritten bailout of the latter 1980s. At the time of its destruction, it exclusively housed government agencies and financial institutions. It contained offices of the IRS, Secret Service, and SEC.
TenantSquare FeetFloorIndustry
Salomon Smith Barney1,202,900GRND,1-6,13,18-46Financial Institution
IRS Regional Council90,43024, 25Government
U.S. Secret Service85,3439,10Government
American Express Bank International106,1177,8,13Financial Institution
Standard Chartered Bank111,39810,13,26,27Financial Institution
Provident Financial Management9,0007,13Financial Institution
ITT Hartford Insurance Group122,59019-21[Insurance]
First State Management Group, Inc4,00021Insurance
Federal Home Loan Bank47,49022Financial Institution
NAIC Securities22,50019Insurance
Securities & Exchange Commission106,11711,12,13Government
Mayor's Office of Emergency Mgmt45,81523Government
This list is based on a table published by CNN.com, which did not include CIA, whose tenancy was disclosed after the attack in the New York Times article1 

One of the most interesting tenants was then-Mayor Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management, and its emergency command center on the 23rd floor. This floor received 15 million dollars worth of renovations, including independent and secure air and water supplies, and bullet and bomb resistant windows designed to withstand 200 MPH winds.    The 1993 bombing must have been part of the rationale for the command center, which overlooked the Twin Towers, a prime terrorist target.

on the day of the attack, Guiliani and his entourage set up shop in a different headquarters, abandoning the special bunker designed precisely for such an event. 

The owner of the building Larry Silverstein explained that the building had been "pulled" a phrase used in Demolition to term a building that is knocked down by well placed dynamite! After receiving a call from a fire official saying that a fire in the building would not be able to be contained they made the decision to "pull it"

and so it was 

Taken from wikipedia 

Large buildings, tall chimneyssmokestacks, and increasingly some smaller structures may be destroyed by building implosion using explosives. Imploding a building is very fast — the collapse itself only takes seconds — and an expert can ensure that the building falls into its own footprint, so as not to damage neighbouring structures. This is essential for tall structures in dense urban areas. It takes several weeks or months to prepare a building for implosion! 

With this is mind and considering that the building was "pulled" charges must have been in place before hand if the building was to come down at nearly free fall speed an impossibility  if the building collapsed from fire. This is Because an office fire can not generate enough heat to melt steal. Carbon Steel melts at, 1425 - 1540, 2600 - 2800. Your normal office fire burns on average  for 20 minutes and dose not nearly reach the lofty temperatures needed to melt steal. Because the building collapsed at free fall speed it means that all resistance must have been removed and therefor the infrastructure of the building was knocked out leaving no residence. 

for further information I suggest reading the architects and engineers for 9 11 truth website backed by some of the victims family and pointing out some of the major abnormality regarding not just building 7 but the twin towers two!


Watch the BBC report building 7 has collapsed 20 minutes before it did as they read from a reuters script! 

This is of course only a few small holes in a story that looks like peppered rag! Other stand out points are the plane that hit the pentagon and the small hole left by the boeing 757, a massive aircraft moving at a speed faster than 600 miles per hour. 

Plus, the short but sweet footage released by the FBI showing no plane hitting the pentagon. Unfortunately, we are deprived of all the other angles that covered the event from the Marriott hotel and other petrol stations because FBI agents swiftly confiscated them to save the public from the view of yet more horrifying scenes.

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