segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

If there is one thing that you watch on this Blog! MAKE IT THIS! Check out the highly public un-secret NASA TRANSMISSION

If you grew up in the United Kingdom and were educated there cast your mind back to physics class! The text books read like a bible of truth and told of the wonders of the vacuum of space! A vacuum where nothing apart from tumbling rock can exist. Even the hearty bacteria would struggle to make a life for themselves there! But as truth is stranger than fiction check out what NASA openly records for your pleasure. 

In 1996 NASA lose control of a satellite. The satellite which is a long tether like structure is then surrounded by the inhabitants of low Earth orbit! Astronauts for years have reported what they believed to be "living critters" in space. 

These Jellyfish like organisms are attracted to electricity in our atmosphere and follow storms around our Planet. The logic is that these are not UFO's or flying surcers these are living organisms that feed on electricity that exists naturally in space and in our atmosphere. Space is more like a sea than a dead vacuum and it is likely that NASA has known this before they sent men in to low Earth orbit.

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