sábado, 19 de novembro de 2011

The pyramids of giza and other Ancient structures!

We all learned in our school days of the marvellous ancient pyramids on the Giza plato near Ciro. And we are told of the Valley of the kings, where the rulers of Egypt have been laid to rest throughout Egypt's Glory days and history, we also learned of the large Temple structures built throughout the land and of course the sphinx!

The very existents of these structures in Egypt have long puzzled the minds of archaeologist  and architects with their precise cutting techniques and colossal weights involved! The largest quarried stone in Egypt is an unfinished obelisk in Assuan. It is estimated to weigh 1,100 tons and is 41.75m long and 2.5 - 4.4m wide and carved from a single piece of rock. Other rocks of colossal size and weight exist at the Baalbek temple in Lebanon with an Unnamed monolith weighing 1,242 tons dating back some 9000 years, this is a story we see repeated around the world!

These are indeed the wonders of man's creations and along with other ancient structures around the prove that our building prowess dates back thousands of years. Mainstream Archaeologist would like you to believe that these structures fall neatly into a bracket of time where building flourished for a short period before being flung into decades of non-achievement, war and famine etc! The true age of these amazing structures may never be truly pined down because of the lack of ability to carbon date these stone structures. I strongly suggest the work of GRAHAM HANCOCK  to give you some background to the discussions of these sites being much older than we have been lead to believe in our history books!

The sphinx and the Great Pyramids - Leo and the belt of Orion! 

When you consider the precise nature of the builds of the various sites, and the Egyptian meticulous attention to detail when it comes to documenting the heavens you are left wondering what secrets did there civilisation take with them? 

 Archaeologist  and architects have always been said to be lost for words at the evidence of precise cutting tool technology found all around the world at ancient  sites!


In our schools our children learn as we have learned in the past that the Pyramids at Giza and the Temples throughout Egypt were built by teams of slaves under the supervision of a slave driver. Hauling massive tonnage of rock into place where it has remained for thousands of years. Many historians and researchers have challenged this theory through the years and rightly pointed out some basic flaws to the original method of construction. We are taught in our history books that gangs of men and horses pulled the giant blocks into place via vast ramps that would have needed to be 10 miles long to reach the summit of the pyramids. The Grate pyramid also known as the pyramid of Khufu stands at 146.5 meters and was the tallest building on earth for 3,800 years. Many researchers have pointed out that if the pyramids were constructed with ramps, then the ramps would have been unpractical in length and would most likely not support the weight of the men and the rock. I think anyone with sound reason could figure out that for themselves and you would of thought that your History teacher in school would have mentioned that this seems very unlikely, and I guess many do! They are many other proposed methods of construction suggested, non really satisfying anyone who has some sound reason to reason with. 

Archaeologist, at least in the main stream have settled on the notion that the pyramids were constructed by vain faros that wanted to immortalise themselves with large burial chambers. And this is in fact what some archaeologist believe the pyramids are. But no faro has ever been discovered there nor is there been evidence of a faro's possessions being stored there after his passing. It would render the Valley of the kings where faro's have been buried for the continuation of Egypt's history obsolete and quite a brake with tradition.  The whole theory is based on the fact that there is one open sarcophagus in the kings chamber of the great pyramid. Visitors can lay in the sarcophagus and have reported through the years that harmonics change and there is a tangible difference in energy when you lie down or sit in the sarcophagus. 

These are hyroglifics from a wall inside a pyramid at Giza 

Other strange anomalies that mainstream archaeologist  struggle  to cope with is the impressive grand Gallery. this would pose a significant challenge to any modern day builders with its 45 degree angle of acceding walls right in the middle of the massive structure. 

So, if our Ancestors could build such incredible structures throughout our history, how did they do it? It's hard to pose an answer for this questions within the realms of constructions that we know today. One might say that you need to think without the confines of the technology that we are accustomed to today and start to think in the realms of harmonics, zero point energy and source field technologies! 

who was Ed Leedskanin? 

It's safe to say, that for now we may never know the true mysteries of the ancient world, but we must continue to ask our Governments to investigate properly and release information to those who can use it like the architects and engineers for those are the people who need this information the most! 

Right now as we speak, the wrong type of people have vested interests in our heritage at Giza, and are not disclosing the evidence to our civilisation as it should be, instead they are planning public TV revelations of new discoveries and you can bet that the truth will have little to do with that exercise. I urge everyone to get behind people like Graham Hancock who would only be interested in sharing the secrets of the structures. In my opinion I should imagine that the Grate hall of records, the famed storage facility the Egyptians spoke of housing there detailed documentation of there history and knowledge has already been uncovered and the knowledge is the hands of someone, somewhere! I believe it is a  University in America funding the ongoing excavations of the Giza plato. Unfortunately I don't remember which one!

The Lament of Hermes read by Graham Hancock!  

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