terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

Nikola Tesla and free energy

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in world that was free from costly utility bills and pollution? Well that world has been an gone because in 1901 Nikola tesla patented his free energy concept by the name "Apparatus for the Utilisation of Radiant Energy." 

But unfortunately the industrial revolution had its oily fingers in high places and decided that this was not going to be our pleasure! 

The United states Government is well know for its Subversion of patents that do not suite them and inventors have been left bewildered by gag orders and the blatant dismissal of worthy inventions. 

Other Technologies that you should know about! 

Torsion field technologies:  

A Wheel within a wheel, a most mysterious motive appearing in all sorts of ancient scriptures, creating an EM Field upon which a Torsion Field is placed to release the gravity anchor. Essentially two bands of light moving in opposite directions drilling into the Omni Field as it is performed in a discipline based on ancient teachings. For the Initiate, this can be a very hard visual to focus on

With the relative new discoveries that at a quantum level electrons and atoms appear to occupy two places at the same time and only conform to one when they are being observed and the revelation at the large hadron collider that electrons have been caught moving faster than light! Braking the seemingly impossible speed limit. Now we are beginning, at least in our public sciences to be shown that the idea of moving between the starts is not a scientific impossibility. 

Cold Fusion: 


Shorty before Barrack Obama received his peace prize in Norway ( Barrack Obama the man of peace) what has come to be known as the Norway Spiral appeared in the early morning skies shortly before dawn. It was coved by many news outfits including the United Kingdoms "The sun" newspaper. 

Was this an example of Torsion field technologies? the tail to the spiral was said to be emanating from a military base near by. 

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